Spaceflight Haptic Smartwatch
Role: Industrial Designer, CAD Designer, Renderer
Tools: Fusion 360 Keyshot 10
This concept for a Spaceflight Haptic Smartwatch includes two devices, each with haptic motors that can augment different tasks with haptic feedback. The watch itself that has a display, a camera, and rotating bezel that allows users to quickly change functions. The secondary band connects to the watch via bluetooth, and provides haptics for the opposite hand.
Above, are three of the eight functions of the watch. The first (Left) is the basic watch function, showing the time and date.
The second (Middle) shows one of the “Gold” functions with haptic feedback, and it’s showing real time video of the docking of a passenger vehicle. In this case, haptics on the left and right arms could be used to aid a pilot when maneuvering a vehicle and aligning the locks.
The third function (Right) is a video call, which is an important feature that would allow astronauts to communicate with one another, as well as show equipment or conditions that need the expertise of someone else on board.